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Demise of the Ngobe Tribe

AES Corporation Participating in the Demise of the of Ngobe Tribe — La Amistad Biosphere Reserve is a UNESCO-designated site that provides habitat for hundreds of rare, endemic, endangered, and migratory species, and is also home to members of the Ngobe tribe. It is currently… Read More »Demise of the Ngobe Tribe


IF YOU’RE IN LOS ANGELES TONIGHT – PLEASE JOIN THIS PEACEFUL PROTEST!When: Tuesday, May 26th, 6:30 pm   Where: In front of the Consulate General of Peru 3450 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010, cross street Mariposa  What: For the past 43 days, Thousands of… Read More »PERU AMAZON IN TROUBLE

peru turns tragic!

Police Violently Attack Peaceful Indigenous Blockade in the Peruvian Amazon Four Confirmed Dead and 18 Injured in a Pre-Dawn Attack on Peaceful Demonstrators Bagua, Peru (June 5, 2009) – At approximately 5 am this morning, the Peruvian military police staged a violent raid on a… Read More »peru turns tragic!

dirty coal

Mountaintop removal, the world’s worst strip mining, is unacceptable.  Period. Join the fight to end mountaintop removal coal mining on June 23rd.  Blowing the tops off of mountain ranges to harvest dirty coal harms the people and places of Appalachia, destroys the economic potential of… Read More »dirty coal


WHY I WAS ARRESTED IN COAL RIVER, WEST VIRGINIA Why would I fly across the country on my own dime knowing I would most likely end up in jail in one of the poorest parts of America? Well, have you ever heard of MTR? Don’t… Read More »STOP MTR!


Ranches, Farms, TourismorRadioactive Waste Dump? WHO WE ARE:  Paradox Valley Sustainability Association (PVSA) is a non-profit organization of local citizens concerned about the future of the Paradox Valley, a peaceful agricultural and ranching community.  In accord with the nature of the Valley, Montrose County zoned… Read More »THE FUTURE of PARADOX VALLEY


Dear Animal Acres Members, As many of you have heard, Acton, CA, is one of the areas affected by the enormous Los AngelesForest fire. While the fire is still several miles away, we have decided to plan for the worst, and hope for the best – and… Read More »FIRE!


Please post and forward this action alert and letter regarding the Verizon Wireless Corporation’s sponsorship of an upcoming pro-mountaintop removal, anti-union rally. Here is a link to the action alert, where you can send an email to the Verizon’s Wireless Corporation’s management demanding they drop… Read More »VERIZON SPONSORS PRO-MTR RALLY


255 of Idaho’s 880 wolves are in danger of being killed before the end of the year. Another 75 of Montana’s 500 wolves are set to suffer the same fate. This is the first time in American history that any animal has been removed from… Read More »THE HUNT IS ON!!!