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good news – peru congress revokes 2 decrees

Dear Friends,

Today was a historic day for indigenous people of Peru.  President Garcia acknowledged that the government had made “a series errors and exaggerations” and Congress repealed two of the 9 decrees. AIDESEP is asking indigenous people to end their mobilizations and go back to their communities.  This is reason to celebrate, although we still have a long way to go. There are 7 more decrees that need to be repealed and there are still criminal charges against 6 of AIDESEP’s leaders including Alberto Pizango who is now in exile in Nicaragua.  And the tragic incident in Bagua still needs further investigation and resolution.

Thank you everyone for all your support and collaboration. This has been an amazing coming together of global networks.

Here’s our latest press release

Here’s AIDESEP’s statement:
and the English translation:

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