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more good news in hard times

For Immediate Release, June 19, 2009 Contacts: Ellen Lutz, Cultural Survival, (617) 441-5400 x 16 Jacki Lopez, Center for Biological Diversity, (415) 436-9682 x 305 Panama‘s Ngöbe Indians Win Major Victory at Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: Dam Construction Ordered Halted WASHINGTON— After two years of brutal government repression and destruction of… Read More »more good news in hard times

Wild Horses temporarily SAVED

But the effort may get penned up in the Senate. The bill passed the House, 239-185, with Republican opponents arguing that it underscored wrongheaded Democratic priorities by focusing on animals instead of people at a time when the nation’s unemployment rate is approaching double digits.… Read More »Wild Horses temporarily SAVED

good advice

When I was invited to give this speech, I was asked if I could give a simple short talk that was direct, naked, taut, honest, passionate, lean, shivering, startling, and graceful. No pressure there. Lets begin with the startling part. Class of 2009: you are… Read More »good advice

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